One Subscription, Unlimited Service


Experience in
J.P. Morgan Chase


Projects for Internaland External Clients


Positive CustomerSatisfaction Rate


Non-Disclosure Agreement

Why Choose Us?

When you subscribe, you will get




Simplistic Design

Minimalistic design for a more professional look

Infographical Design

Fancy infographics to spice up your presentations

How We Work

Price Plan

and what you get
No complicated price plans.
No hidden costs.
Only one fixed cost per month
Pause or cancel anytime.
Membership perks:
One request at a time
Average 24-48 hour delivery
Unlimited users
Unlimited projects
Unlimited slides
Unlimited revisions
Pause or cancel anytime
Types of requests
Slide Deck Edits and Formatting
Template Creation
Infographics Design
PDF to PPT Conversion
Includes Icons
Includes distributable images
Includes PPT and PDF copy
Why should I choose your services?

Freelance designer? Aren’t you tired of getting inconsistent design styles and templates? If youare also paying by projects, number of slides or revisions, it may seem relatively cheap at firstbut may easily rack up the expenses unknowingly.

Hiring in-house designer? Needs training, complicating HR administration, too expensive forheadcount expenses. Why would you want that?

With Design In Point, we are professionally trained already. We charge by fixed monthlysubscription and you can pause and continue anytime so although you are paying for 1 month, itcan last you as long as your business needs require.

How will my requests be handled?

Once you subscribed, you will gain access to a Project Dashboard using Asana via email. Fromthere, you can utilize your unlimited benefits to submit as much requests as you like. We will beworking on each request one by one, minor to medium requests will usually take within 24 hoursto complete. Longer, big scale requests might take a longer time to complete subjected todeadline negotiation.

Are my materials confidential?

Absolutely. If you engage us, we are automatically in a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) betweenyou and us. If you want to feel safer, feel free to ask us to sign your NDA and we will most gladlydo so.

What programs are used to complete my work?

We use Microsoft Powerpoint to work on the designs. We will deliver utilizing every functionPowerpoint is capable of (except for coding). However, we do not use Adobe software except forAdobe Acrobat for PDF-related work.

Do you help to convert PDF to PPT?

Yes, we can convert any PDF to PPT but quality is varied depending on the PDF quality. If you aresubmitting such requests, please make sure you have done your due diligence in terms ofobtaining copyright and distribution rights permission. We are not responsible for any copyrightissues that will thereafter arise from this service.

What is your Refund Policy?

Unfortunately, we do not provide any refunds but you can utilize your subscription wisely bypausing your subscription when you have no projects during downtime.


One Subscription, Unlimited Service


Experience in
J.P. Morgan Chase


Projects for Internal and External Clients


Positive Customer Satisfaction Rate


Non-Disclosure Agreement

Why Choose Us?

When you subscribe, you will get




How We Work

Price Plan

and what you get
No complicated price plans.
No hidden costs.
Only one fixed cost per month
Pause or cancel anytime.
Membership perks:
One request at a time
Average 24-48 hour delivery
Unlimited users
Unlimited projects
Unlimited slides
Unlimited revisions
Pause or cancel anytime
Types of requests
Slide Deck Edits and Formatting
Template Creation
Infographics Design
PDF to PPT Conversion
Includes Icons
Includes distributable images
Includes PPT and PDF copy
Why should I choose your services?

Freelance designer? Aren’t you tired of getting inconsistent design styles and templates? If youare also paying by projects, number of slides or revisions, it may seem relatively cheap at firstbut may easily rack up the expenses unknowingly.

Hiring in-house designer? Needs training, complicating HR administration, too expensive forheadcount expenses. Why would you want that?

With Design In Point, we are professionally trained already. We charge by fixed monthlysubscription and you can pause and continue anytime so although you are paying for 1 month, itcan last you as long as your business needs require.

How will my requests be handled?

Once you subscribed, you will gain access to a Project Dashboard using Asana via email. Fromthere, you can utilize your unlimited benefits to submit as much requests as you like. We will beworking on each request one by one, minor to medium requests will usually take within 24 hoursto complete. Longer, big scale requests might take a longer time to complete subjected todeadline negotiation.

Are my materials confidential?

Absolutely. If you engage us, we are automatically in a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) betweenyou and us. If you want to feel safer, feel free to ask us to sign your NDA and we will most gladlydo so.

What programs are used to complete my work?

We use Microsoft Powerpoint to work on the designs. We will deliver utilizing every functionPowerpoint is capable of (except for coding). However, we do not use Adobe software except forAdobe Acrobat for PDF-related work.

Do you help to convert PDF to PPT?

Yes, we can convert any PDF to PPT but quality is varied depending on the PDF quality. If you aresubmitting such requests, please make sure you have done your due diligence in terms ofobtaining copyright and distribution rights permission. We are not responsible for any copyrightissues that will thereafter arise from this service.

What is your Refund Policy?

Unfortunately, we do not provide any refunds but you can utilize your subscription wisely bypausing your subscription when you have no projects during downtime.